Picking up Glass: A win-win-win experience

Google Glass is brilliant. It’s been a couple weeks since I’ve picked up the Glass, and I’ve had a chance to reflect on the initial excitement. Yes, the Glass itself is amazing, but I think Google succeeded beyond just making a great product. They’ve also empowered me and given me a great experience that I can’t stop talking about.

Win #1: The product
Glass is pretty sweet. And my guided introduction to it made things even sweeter. To kick things off, I was offered a beer and allowed to review my color selection (thank goodness – The Sky color looked ridiculous on me). My lovely guide taught me the ins and outs of the Glass. Soon I was syncing, sharing, Google-ing, and “Ok Glass”-ing. To learn how to take photos and videos, the loft even had a platform that looked out over Chelsea. It was a little weird getting used to having the screen in your eye and the audio reverberating through your brain (it’s seriously creepy), but overall it seemed pretty simple and intuitive. I left so excited to keep experimenting.

Win #2: The real-life experience
I got to pick up Glass in New York City. Since it was my first time there, I was able to hit the streets with Glass and full-on tourist awe. At first I was a bit nervous to walk around wearing a $1500 bit of tech on my face, but I quickly relaxed.  People’s reactions were priceless. It was a bit difficult to explain to those who didn’t know what it was (“It’s like a computer… on your face…”). But the people who recognized Glass were super excited to talk to me about it. Google Glass made me the insider, expert, and advocate.

Beyond the reactions, I was also able to take Glass up to the top of the Rockefeller Center for some stunning Glass photos and videos (Look for them in a future blog.) Google was smart to have Explorers pick up the tech in exciting destinations, since it led to some fantastic user-generated content for Glass. It’s all about bringing technology, social, and real-life experiences together.

Win #3: Empowerment
I am now a Glass Explorer. I’m part of a special, exclusive club. By allowing me access to this secret party, Google Glass has ensured that I’m excited and passionate about the brand. Since I’m part of this club, I get to submit feedback, get almost immediate assistance with the product, and I even have access to the API so I can make my own apps. Giving people so much input into the future of a product is innovative, and I’m glad to be a part of it.

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